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Emil (Subsapien) Me: Hey, everyone! In honor of doing a long-overdue drawing over Emil, I decided to have a character interview with him for this week’s blog post. ^ ^ He’s from my YA science-fiction novel, Subsapien Grafting, sequel to Subsapien Biomech. Emil: *waves* Hey! Me: I said, wait for the cue. You didn’t wait for the cue. Emil: Oh sorry. Me: *clears throat* Be sure to check out his drawing in the Art Gallery and by checking out the Character’s page, you can find easy access to other character interviews. Emil: I’ve been in some of ’em. Me: *sighs* Cue, Emil. Cue. Emil: *looks down in shame, twiddles his thumbs* Me: Well, lets get to the interview. *turns to Emil* So, Emil, tell us a little bit about yourself. Emil: Well, I’m like six and a half feet tall, I can pick up a car … pretty much all around awesome. *grins* Me: So what do you like to do in your free time? Emil: I like football and comics and video games. Me: Oh really? Who’s your favorite comic book character? Emil: Hulk. Totally. Me: What kind of music do you like? Emil: Uh … rock music. I don’t like it too loud. Me: Why? Emil: I have really good hearing and– *CRASH FROM THE OTHER ROOM* Me: *flinches* What was that? Emil: *pauses* Ashlyn. Me: You brought her? Emil: I thought it’d be okay. Me: *voice takes on an edge* Well, it is unless you leave her alone. *CRASH* Emil: *stands up from chair* I’ll go see what she’s doing. *hurries out of the room, footsteps thudding* Me: I better go to. Um … Enjoy this image of a cute bunny while we’re um absent. *taps key* *elevator music* |

*back in my seat* Okay. *brushes back stray strand of blonde hair* We’re back.
*back in his chair*
Sorry about that. Ashlyn has a bad habit of getting into things. *eyebrow quirks* So who do you like to hang out with?
Well, monkey here for one. *smirks at Ashlyn, holds out his massive fist her*
*bumps it with her little one*
My best bro is Bryce, but I ain’t seen him in months. I hang out around Matt, Ingrid, and Brian, but they’re not my favorite people. *purses lips*
I see. Last question: If you were stranded on a island and you could only bring one item, what would you bring?
Can I bring Ash?
*smiles up at him*
She’s handy for getting in places.
*gives him a thumbs up*
I guess that could count … *looks at laptop* Bonus question: Do you sing in the shower?
Uh no. *shifts in his chair*
*frowns, envelopes her head with his hand to make it stop moving*
*smiles* Well, that’s all I’ve got. I hope you readers enjoyed in this interview. If you have any questions for Emil, he’d love to hear them and he’ll answer them in another interview. 🙂 You can check out more about Emil’s book in current projects, his book’s Pinterest board, pictures I’ve drawn for the book on deviantART and fan art on my Facebook page.
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I saved the bunny pic as 'Emil'scutebabybunny' on my computer. *jumps up and down and talks in high pitch* Bunny bunny bunny is so cute!
Heh heh. Cool. ^ ^
Does Ash talk?
I will ask Ashlyn. 😉
will she answer?…kidding.
She'll answer in her own way. 😉
Ok though, seriously. I like Emil. He's fun! And Ash seems so cute! AND BUNNY CUTE!!! sorry… Hulk's awesome, nice choice Emil. So Bryce has a best friend? (or 'bro') Neat. What would he have to say about Emil, assuming he didn't know what Emil said 'bout him,? What would happen if the two bumped into each other in one of the interviews, I wonder…?
Nice question. I will ask him. 😉
Bunny bunny bunny!!!
Mesa like bunny!!!
Hee hee. ^ ^