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Bryce (left) and Bryce’s Younger Brother Matt (right) |
1) What does your character regret the most in their life?
Bryce has many regrets. Some of them are spoilers so I’ll give one of his biggest regrets. Growing up Bryce was forced by his cruel masters to kill other graftings (his race), including his best friend Milo, on pain of his brother being killed. He regrets this so much he hasn’t told his brother or his friends though some have found out.
2) What is your character’s happiest memory? Most sorrowful memory?
One of his happiest memories is playing Pounce with his brother when they had time. Pounce is a game where they sneak up on each other and pounce on each other and knock them over. If they succeed they get a point. His most sorrowful–there are a lot of those–is probably when the girl he loved died.
3) What majorly gets on your character’s nerves?
Norms (regular humans). He thinks they’re all entitled, spoiled, and raised to hate and hurt graftings.
4) Does he act differently when he’s around people as opposed to being alone? If so, how?
Yes. It depends on the group of people, but Bryce acts more sure of himself around people when inside he’s imploding from all of his past sins so he lets the mask fall off when he’s alone.
5) What are their beliefs and superstitions? (Examples: their religion or lack of one, conspiracy theories, throwing salt, fear of black cats.)
Bryce doesn’t believe in God, though deep inside he wishes there was a heaven that his dead friends could be at peace in, but he believes he’d go to hell. He doesn’t really have any superstitions since he hasn’t been exposed to that kind of culture very much. He does believe that the worse thing you can do to another grafting besides killing them is to betray them. It’s the second biggest sin in the grafting culture.
6) What is his catchphrases, or things he says frequently?
Bryce has many catch phrases and things he says frequently that include “Never trust norms”, deadbrain (insult), weenie (insult), bootlicker (insult), gren (instead of scientist), black-jacket (instead of guard/orderly) and lots more.
7) Would he be more prone to facing fears or running from them?
Depends on the fear. If it is a person he’s afraid of, he will face them. If it’s an object (syringes, chains, plastic tubes), he’ll run. PTSD plays a big part in this.
8) Does he have a good self image?
No, he doesn’t. He thinks he can’t be saved because of all he’s done, so he lives for his brother even if that means sacrificing his tarnished soul so his little bro can live a happy life.
9) Does he turn to people when he’s upset, or does he isolate himself?
He isolates himself. He’s not good at talking out his problems.
10) If they were standing next to you would it make you laugh or cry?
Is both an acceptable answer? I would freak if he was real and I met him. XD

Sprinter – Dark War
That's so cool! I love him.
Thank you! 🙂
I love Bryce!
Aw! Thank you! ^ ^