It’s my birthday today and I’m going to talk about that in a post next week, but today I’m celebrating with some of my closest friends! For now, enjoy this tag!
When Melissa tagged me for this it actually brought up a lot of old memories. I used to carry that green journal around all the time then I’d archive stuff in that big black binder. I’d wear out the binders I kept my notes inside to the point of breaking and then I’d have to get new ones. One time I left my binder on the top of my dad’s truck then he drove off to go somewhere and it actually slid off onto the side of the road. I was so devastated that I couldn’t find it, but they discovered it soggy and wet in a ditch (that’s why some of these pages are water-stained), but I was so overjoyed to have it back and because I wrote in pencil most of the writing is okay.
On the downside, I carried around this old ratty journal (the green one) so much that I got made fun of for it, friends and family saying it looked stupid. Because I was a shy teenager I didn’t have the gumption to stick up for myself and say, “Screw you. I like it and so what if you think it’s stupid?” so I got embarrassed and abandoned it.
Then I started writing down all of my ideas on the computer instead of carrying around a journal, so I don’t carry journals anymore and I feel like it’s partially from being made fun of about it. I write down ideas on my phone which I then transfer to my computer, which works for me, but I don’t have that enamored feeling whenever I see a journal like a lot of writers do.
So yeah that got real.
All of this is to say I haven’t looked at these journals in years. They’re not dated but I found a program from a play in one that’s from 2009, so I’m assuming these notes are 2009 and older. So yeah this is a little difficult for me because it’s digging up that part of my life, but I’ve got to face that part of my life sometime right?

Les Rules:
#1 — Thank whoever tagged you, then link to him/her and the creator (Melissa Gravitis).
#2 — Go through your old journals (writing or otherwise), and share something from them: from world-building to sketches, to random quotes, to an entry, to short snippets of writing! And if you feel like it needs explaining, go for it!
#3 — Tag at least 5 other bloggers.
#4 — Feel free to use the header image!
#5 — Have fun!

I drew a lot of maps and kept them in this binder. This map isn’t even valid anymore in my story world, but I sure did put a lot of effort into it.

I also liked unusual weapons a lot (still do). These were some I wrote down that I found in a video game my cousin was playing.

This is a map I drew for my Subsapien series, which is actually still valid. This is a map of the lab that Bryce grew up in.

I’ve always loved griffins and this is my sad attempt at drawing one. XD

Another map from my fantasy world that’s no longer valid.

I used to want to write a superhero story and these were the characters.

My cousin gave me this journal in I want to say 2011 and this is all I wrote in it.
Les Nominees:
1.) Christine @ Musings of an Elf
2.) Sara @ Sara Letourneau’s Website and Blog
3.) Anna Haber @ The Story Scientist
4.) E.E. Rawls @ E.E. Rawls Writes
5.) Keturah Lamb @ Keturah’s Corner